Shirley Hankins
Shirley Hankins (Republican) represents
[the 8th] district of Benton County in the House
of Representatives. Elected in 1980, she
[served seven terms in the House and
was appointed to the Senate in 1990 to serve the
unexpired term of Max Benitz].
Born 1931, in Kansas, Hankins ... live[d]
in Richland, and [wa]s a radiation dosimetry
expert. She first became involved with
political issues at the precinct level in 1964,
and was a dedicated volunteer for
community causes. Her work on Dan Evans'
gubernatorial campaign stimulated her
interest in elective office and led her to
campaign for local positions.
Though her first campaign for the
Legislature failed, she was encouraged by
members of the Washington State
Federation of Women's Clubs and the
Richmond Republican Women's Organization
to try again. She responded with a stronger
campaign and was elected. Representative
Hankins [saw] a need for more women in
elective office. She [said], "It's good for
personal development, and for developing
the skills and political base women need."
Representative Hankins has three grown
--Political Pioneers, The Women Lawmakers